News: Va Va Voom! 22-Year-Old Electric Uke Virtuoso Is... Electrifying

Va Va Voom! 22-Year-Old Electric Uke Virtuoso Is... Electrifying

In a word... WOW. 22-year-old Taimane Gardner, a Honolulu native, stuns the audience with her electric uke rendition of Bach's Toccata.

Forget the fact that Taimane's skill level is incredible... her stage presence is insane! Taimane has been performing and winning ukulele contests since the age of five. Says Taimane: "I remember the day I got it. It was lying on the table and the first thing that popped into my head was 'rock star'. I picked it up and played in front of the mirror until I broke a string."

NOTE: Although this video is titled Taimane's Toccata, YouTube user missemilyliz11 comments: "Anyway, saying that this is Toccata by Bach is ignorant. The piece starts off with Carmen by Bizet, and at about 0:40 it's Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber and not? until 0:58-1:22 she starts playing a fraction of the Toccata by Bach."

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VIA Metafilter

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That was awesome. She is very good. I love her style and music, WOW!

The music is nice, but I wish her stage act wasn't quite so slutty.

you clearly are unaware of the definition of the word slutty

slutty or... too much woman for a weakling like you to handle? I can guarantee she's not easy. just desirable.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I guess. I just really need to know- How was that slutty?

Yeah. He probably hates women.

This comment has so much retard in it that I had to make a comment to tell you how much you fail at life. Get a vasectomy dumbass so you don't infect humanity with your insane idiocy.

She's not incredibly talented, but she is entertaining ...

and who IS talented? you? pony up then man, where's your video?

Ex-cuuuse me? Her movements and facial expressions are sexually attractive, but far from slutty. Unless you think any demonstration of sexuality - only from females, of course - is "slutty." I would kill to have her grace and confidence. And, oh, yeah, the point of what she's doing? MUSICAL PERFORMANCE. Talent. Skill. Musicality. She is a brilliant performer.

HAVE MY BABY!! She is the female jake shimabukuro.

anyone noticed the crazy masked clapping guy to the right?

Meh, virtuoso is stretching it... :/

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